The Ice Is Melting at the Poles by Clement Mogensen

The Ice Is Melting at the Poles by Clement Mogensen
This book is dedicated to muscles that go bump in the night but it also feels that it is dedicated to the syllables that form the poetry of a very scene.
By utilizing the concept of direct translation or word-to-word translation, the book explores the richness of narratives that is exposed through the intentional gaze of the camera lens.
Through the zooms of the lens and the framing of the subject, the collection of images takes a role of commentary on the tourist culture and the relations to one’s natural and also social surroundings.
The design of the book is simple and refreshing, leaving space for the picture to land on the paper, for the text to develop and for the reader to breath.
Published by Thoughts Of Me Press in 2021
Printed in Denmark
62 pages
170 x 240 mm
Coil binded