Outfromunder by Ebbe Stub Wittrup

Outfromunder by Ebbe Stub Wittrup
Outfromunder presents the viewer with a look into the inherent disruptions and disintegrations our modes of representation. Wittrup’s book consists of a collection of old holiday slides from mountainous areas – discoloured by time, cropped and reworked by the artist until the photographs take on an almost painterly dimension reminiscent of the Romantics and of the Kantian Sublime. It is not just a book of landscapes, but also one that makes manifest the passing of time, the workings of coincidence, and the antagonistic relationship between phenomenon and representation. A representation that also represents its own fragility; as Rune Gade writes in his brilliant foreword to the book: “While the mountains endure, untouched by the centuries, the photos depicting them start to disintegrate before I have time to think.”
Published by Space Poetry, 2007
112 pages
Hardback w. insert
Text by Rune Gade
Edition of 700